The Magneto: Love it or Hate it . . .

Here's a Fairbanks-Morse magneto I just rebuilt last week. I want to run it on my Harley 45 army bike project. I got it from a friend . . . then stripped it, blasted it, wet sanded, scotch brighted and pressed in new bearings. A new set of points and she throws fire ! Snap Snap ! Mags are so cool. I like to run 'em because they are very reliable, throw a hot spark - and you can run without a generator or battery. There's a plug where the key switch was - and a plug where the tach drive went. Who needs a key or a tach? ! Magnetos kick ass and all the old-timers might give you some much needed respect? Better get one for the chopper and your tractor !

1 comment:

  1. Magnetos are way cool. I learned about them the hard way. My brother was testing one in the garage by taking a shop rag and spinning the shaft. "Put your finger on there once" he said. Being that I trusted my big brother, I did it. Thus, I learned pretty fast about the purpose of a magneto. Thanks Rick.


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