A Thing of Beauty !

The newest McDonalds in the world just opened. More seating, coffee bar, flat screens, 70s custom interior lighting - it's just beautiful. Many of you live in a big city where you have everything - and probably take it for granted. Our original McDonalds restaurant was taken from us this summer by a flood. Lucky for us, the owner decided to rebuild.
When I first drove by and saw all the lights, it just looked so awesome. The snow around, the warm glow from the windows, with all the happy people nestled inside, eating their McChickens, Big Macs and fries. I'm going today for a sundae and maybe a fancy coffee. McDonalds - Over a Billion Served - The legend of fast food !

1 comment:

  1. I've been searching for this post Noot . . . not sure why, I just love it, when I first followed the blog I saw it then, it's probably the words that go with it, delete this comment if you want to. Cheers.


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