Martial Arts and Mexico

Last weekend I had some kickin' good tacos in Des Moines on Indianola Road. You need to order about 5 of them for starters (hard shells) - and use the sauce in the packets. They serve 'em up fast and hot - and they go great with the Hamms beer. It was about my 10th time at this place. I keep going back. Lots of cool motorcycle related stuff on the walls, pinstriping and the ironhead Sporty behind the bar - my kind of place !


  1. was that before you eat the tacos or after. The more pictures i see the more i mise being their snow or no snow i realy mise haveing fun with you dont be surpise if i show up with my bags waiting for my retiement pappers any day so save some tacos for me

  2. Thanks Joe - I like reading your comments. I was thinkin' the same thing, I gotta get back to Vegas soon.


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