Morty says, "Hello"

Morty "the Official Shop Cat" just wanted everyone to know that he'll try and get some new photos of himself up real soon . . . (and maybe even a couple of his brothers Charlie and Eli too) Morty says, "You can't have a blog with nothing but motorcycle related stuff all the time. You gotta save some space for stuff about cats." It's been a tough winter for him here in Iowa (livin' in an unheated garage), but he's still been on patrol everyday - kicking the ass of any cat that tries to cut through his turf. Morty was even on antibiotics for a couple weeks due to a claw being ripped out after a cat fight (with a tiny scrape on his nose) - If you know Mort, I'm sure it was much worse for the other cat. We hope to see you all real soon !


  1. this is my suplier for pin striping brushes cant get them cheaper any were in the U.S. he works for food and water

  2. When it get's cold, he just drags a critter into his bed to keep him warm!


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