Law Enforcement

The other night I was racin' around in our little town - bored as shit. I ran it hard through the gears on all my smooth backroads on the edge of the city. The place was dead. No cruising scene - no motorcycles - no action. Then out of the blue, about a 1/2 mile ahead, I see a motorcycle tail-light. I crank on the throttle to catch up. Run a couple red lights, roll through a few stop signs. XLR pipes were cack'lin. I catch the guy (maybe someone I know?) and guess what? It's a cop on a Harley ! Whoops. Luckily, it was the one I know best. Actually before he was an officer, we were both drunk once, and put my Chevelle in the river with a car load of girls. So I cruised with the cop on patrol for awhile. "Hey fella, just where do you think you're goin'? . . . "Anywhere but here man !"

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