Morty "the Official Shop Cat" says . . .

" This zero degrees out here is total bullshit . . . now let me inside or 
I'm calling Irish Rich and moving to Colorado . . . 
his shop is heated ! "


  1. I took a poll of our four cats, and they agree with Morty, it is total bullshit.But....

    They also said "No more cats...."

    We hit a couple nights last week where it was 0 and 2 degrees overnight, but then it went into the 50's during the days right after that. Supposed to get snow this weekend, but who knows?

  2. Noot can you have your people email my people...have a flat head question

  3. I feel for you midwest guys, I have family in Wis. so I hear all about it. I have a wood burning stove in my shop, but I haven't used it lately, as it's been pushing uper 70's all week. Come here if you like, good ridin' weather.

  4. hahahahaha! that's funny shit.


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