Allan Girdler

Nobody knows more about a Harley XR, XRTT, XLR, K, KR, KK, KH, KHK, KRM, XL, XLCH, XLH, XLX,  (I'm sure I left a few out) . . . he's the guy.   You've seen or read a book or two by him over the years.  If anyone reading this has his phone number, email or address, I'd like to pick his brain about a couple things sometime. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Noot:

    I wrote to Girdler, years ago, about his street-able iron XR750, and HE wrote me back. I think I wrote to him c/o his book publisher. you might try that approach. He also gave me his phone # should I care to visit(which I did to take a close look at HIS iron XR) he was living in Anaheim at the time, but I have heard he since moved to the greater San Diego area.
    I ran into him two years ago at the Bub event, he is very approachable but does NOT suffer fools well.


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