Freedom Rally - Algona, Iowa

Have you ever went to a big event and just ended up talking to the same guy the whole time - and sitting around in the shade, near the camper - drinking Grain Belt Premium????  I did just that.  Denny is cool.  He also had some really kickin' mango salsa and black beans . . . Hit the spot on a beautiful Iowa day.


  1. Noot- Denny is my old art teacher, and my Dads as well. I have found myself sitting and talking to him at length at more than one bike event! Cool Cat indeed!

  2. Its too bad the Freedom Rally is getting to be more like Burning Man.
    The whole 'watch me get head' in front of thousands by this toothless whore is bad. I left last year with a weird feeling of being somewhere I shouldnt have been.

  3. Noot-I plan to have that same spot of shade in Sturgis. Let's do the same thing.Maybe include Pilgrim and Spina.


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