Black Hills 'Vette

I'm riding through the hills of So. Dakota - and stop for a break.  Get some gas . . . and this guy pulls his garage door open and this very early (1953 I think?) Corvette is sitting in there.  I thought maybe he didn't know what he had . . . He gave me a price and I about fell over - I rode away on my creeky ol' Sporty.


  1. Hey, before you had the local paper and maybe Hemmings Motor News, but now you can thank the internet, cable/satellite TV, and Barrett-Jackson.

    We used to find a lot of bikes and cars dirt cheap by just stopping in a feed & grain store in the Dakotas, Montana, or Wyoming and reading the local town and ranch newspapers. Lone gone......

  2. Farm Bureau Spokesman and Des Moines Register were hot - not now.

  3. This is how I deal with these situations. I wait until they say the price then a take off a 0 and then act like I am getting the best deal ever. He says 50,000 and I say Holy Shit 5,000 dollars is a great deal. I will write a check right now. All the while the owner is trying to correct me saying "no I said 50,000 dollars" I will usually keep at it until I get yelled at.At that point I say oh you think this is worth how much, you are fucking crazy . Then walk off wishing I had 50,000 to blow on a sweet car. Try this same tactic at the swap meets. They say 50 I say 5 and just see how far you can push them. Most people hate me by the way.


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