Morty "The Official Shop Cat" says . . . .

" . . . . yeah, scratch right there . . . that's it ! "  Morty is all healed up from recent cat fights and is lookin' pretty darn good again.  His eye infection and jaw is all healed up.  His claw grew back - and he's ready for Mayweather . . .


  1. That's a great shot. The look on Morty's face, as he's looking at you snapping his picture definately says....


  2. All Hail King Mortimer!
    Viva La Morty!

  3. Hi Rich, talked to PT Steve at Sturgis - it was weird - we looked at each other - uhhh - hey, no - yes, no - then it clicked !

    PS. Hey Mish, bring over your pan and beer money soon !

  4. 12 pack of Schmittys and dime bag cat nip?
    Got the king size wind sheild and the saddlebags with schnapps on the Hodgepodge Pan. Ready for winter.
    Got the $48 BDL belt on the Pan, too. The speedo drive is the right one, but the speedo aint. Need 1:1?

  5. Fuck the speedo - Are you kidding me?????


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