It was everywhere . . .

Everywhere I turned this year at Sturgis . . . there was this panhead - again.  He did a few shows, rode the hills, down Main Street . . . he got around.  Had a-bunch-o-fun I'll bet . . .
Neat bike - and he rode it.   (forgot I had the pic)


  1. Hey Man,
    Whatcha' gots fer used 4 speed trannie parts kickin' around fer my Panhead? A week ago, I locked it up in Jerico comin' back from Ossian.
    Pulled the ol' crusher and tossed it on the bench and took a peek under the cover, and found the nut on the shift fork saft on the left side back off, and let the finger drop. It crushed a finger bushing that fell off as the finger dropped, and thats about it. I cleaned it out and accounted for all the peices. The 3rd gear has chipped teeth, so now the case hardening will start to flake off, so I need a better one of those. I bring it by along with my new bottle of Templeton and I know we can figure something out!

  2. Bring it over - (he's like a lost, lil' stepchild - always in trouble)


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