Al's paint . . .

This guy "Allen", originally from my neck of the woods.  Moved to Haight Ashbury back in the day.  Built some chops & rods and served during the Vietnam war.  His builds saw the pages of Street Chopper & Custom Bike.  He then moved back, did some farming . . . now he's building stuff again.  He needed some pinstripes and outlines (his patented flame job and paint).  Out in the boondocks - I checked out his hand-built home and custom shop tucked back in the trees.  Who in Iowa has a sand-dune-buggie racer????  Lots of neat old stuff.  Next time I'm at his shop, I'll take some pics.  I outlined his flames - made 'em a simple panel . . .
Process Blue One Shot "The California Kid" flames I call 'em . . . .

1 comment:

  1. Another great piece of work, Rick. I enjoy looking at the work you layed down on my Pan. Every time I look at it, it brings a smile.
    Thanks again, Bro.


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