In my youth . . . glory days of Sno Pro

. . . I wanted to be a professional snowmobile racer.  My dad was a tuner and wrench for a very successful local racer, and they started me racing the Junior classes.  From 1978-1982 I traveled and raced the USSA aand WSRF (World Snowmobile Racing Federation) Central Division.  Wisconsin, Minnesota, Dakotas, Illinois and Central Canada. Over 3 years, I won almost every race I entered. Placed 2nd a few times.  5th once.  And blew an engine while leading a championship race. My heros were names like Thorson, Hulings, Dimmerman, Bunke, Elsner, Villeneuve, Donahue, The Deckers, Rosenquest and Levac.  I would go down early in the mornings and watch as the pro teams in their matching race suits used tiny cranes to lower the race sleds from fancy semi trailers.  The ice ovals were fresh clean ice.  Carbides were being sharpened.  I'd get a hot Dr. Pepper and report back to our rough lookin', copper color, camper school bus we traveled in.  The "Brown Donkey" it was accurately named.  It was Friday morning.  Other kids were in school.  I had the day off.  I was 15 years old and a raced Yamahas on ice in front of crowds of people.  All was good. 


  1. Nice! Now quit living in the past, and get to work! Cheers!

  2. Shiiit!! Don't know a whole lot about snow, ice or snowmobiles but it looks like you were livin the dream . . . I would imagine suped up two strokes [?] on ice would be pretty ferkin rapid . . . thanks for the post

  3. Wow I never knew you raced sleds. Thats awesome man, I aspired to race sleds too but hard to get a start on your own with no sponsor on a high school budget, I miss it man!

  4. youre not done having fun yet noot!


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