NOS is New Old Stock

So my friend Chad asks if i can go through his Harley 45 engine.  He's got all the parts . . . hey - I say no problem.  He shows up with original HD stuff, still in the boxes.  Still in this hardened wax-like stuff.  Cosmo grease everywhere.  It takes like time to get the shit off . . . we're talkin' goo city here.  But, the pistons and valves look so nice.  Original Harley-Davidson parts.  Back when steel was steel and quality mattered.  If you can - buy NOS.  It's usually better.  Oh, Save The Boxes (he told me twice)


  1. 'do with what you got' for sure

  2. I'm sure Cosmoline is a lot easier to remove before 60+ years have past.

    I once saw a friends freshly restored 45 at a show. I asked him why is brown goo all over your engine? He said he used NOS cylinders and they failed to get all the cosmoline out between the fins.

    I dig NOS parts but almost hate to see them used. Once they're bolted on....

  3. That's funny - I have to say the 60 year old cosmo is good for chapped hands - baby soft now !!!!

  4. Noot, wow man, motherlode material!! I wouldn't have figuerd there'd still be too much NOS kit out there given how this caper has blown out over the last decade and more . . . as you said, from when quality was inherently part of buying genuine.

  5. Don't forget to save me the boxes!!! LOL. Thanks for all you do for us. Hope you will let me return the favor some day. So excited to get my WL's done.


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