I really like this guy . . .

We had a good time together in Rochester, Minnesota.  I hope to see you all again real soon.  I think he still owes me $2.00?  He didn't break my clutch lever or wreck my Schwinn - but, I acted like he did.
He's really super cool and I like giving him a hard time.  I won't be so harsh next time.  I let him have some of my pizza.  He's got cool friends.  I love you all. -Noot


  1. Was great hanging with you and soaking up some knowledge along the way. You suck for leaving money at the house for us. We went to Newts for lunch today. Fitting. Thanks Noot

  2. I know you must eat out a lot - I got up for a late night snack and there's nothin' in the fridge !


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