
This dude . . . they call 'em "Rattlecan" . . . got a whole shed o' 45s.  Fresh'd up dis one.  Kept her a bit gnarly lookin' . . . Beauty is in the eye-of-the-beholdest . . . Sure iz purdy !


  1. Mmmmmmm, flatheads! Clickety, clickety, tick, tick, tick.

  2. dude stopped into the shop, said he was dinkin around down by clear lake and some chap rides up on a 1945 flathead. said he just got it going... you know anything about this noot?? didnt you just finish up another one a little bit ago?

  3. Pat...... that would have been me. I got my '45 WL runnin last weekend and rode it out to the Buddy Holly crash site. I'll email a pic to Noot and see if he will post it on here. Thanks for all the hard work Noot. Lookin good.

  4. yah jay said he was out there at the crash site! small world.

  5. Noot where did you disappear to on Saturday?


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