Warren Jr.

I've heard a lot about this guy, but this is the first time I met him. (unless I was drunk and don't remember).  I was impressed with his knowledge of old Harleys, and I know he builds some of the coolest chops around.  It was fun for me to meet some dudes who are just like me . . . and way cool of the Milwaukee Crew to come to Rochester to hang and party.  I didn't get a picture of Ben, but I want one with the two of us sometime to hang in my shop.  This Rochester deal is looking good for the future - Maybe next time they could bring a bike or two . . . (so Kevin doesn't have to bring 12).


  1. Love your shots and narratives as usual Noot. A wee tech query if you would be so kind . . the use of Glyptal coatings in crank cases, heat disapation, protection for older, slightly porous alloy ? What's the go maestro ? Cheers mate.

  2. HAHA I didnt bring 12...just 4 pans, two knucks and a boat tail 72 shovel.

  3. Thanks for the kind words noot! Great to meet u as well. I would love to visit your shop. I am ginna send my flathead lower end to you as well. What's your email?


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