Linkert Manifold Adapter

Whoever made these did a great job.  They are even tapered from end-to-end. You can now run a Bendix or Mikuni (with flange adapter). Nice

Big Noot & Tator

 . . . discuss the latest news . . . and what Jeff Wright is doin' . . .

Bore Gage Breakdown

Had a problem with our Standard bore gage.  Can't work on stuff if I can't measure it properly. 
Big Noot took everything apart and fixed it.  Whew.  I hate down time.

Very Important . . . and very True.

You must true each flywheel 1/2 before reassembly.  In this case, the sprocket shaft was +.003 to 4 out at the bearing race location.  Too much.  We replaced the sprocket shaft.  Now?  Dead Nutz !

My wife said . . .

"No more motorcycles parts in my new stainless sink . . ." 
(But, this is Jeff's and she's at work)

Rake It . .

Another configuration of the same motorcycle . . .

Stripper Shampoo

Willie G's idea of wrinkle black cases - this was not designed to come off.  After a hard days work, come home and take a bath of paint stripper, carb cleaner, brake kleen, parts solvent, spray paint and silicone sealer.  I always smell like chemicals . . .

Love Cycles

Jeremiah's got a neat shop.  Just what he wants - and a real swell bro.  I really enjoyed my visit.  If you're ever in Phoenix, check him out on N. 7th Street.  You can't help but like him.  A real genuine builder with Harley vintage chops . . . His shirts are neat too - I've worn this sweatshirt everyday since I got it.  Still a bit brisk here in Iowa !

Smooth Operator

Side valve performance . . .
The "K" is goin' back together !

Skid Lid . . .

Denny be cooler now - he already soooo kool . . .

Mr. D's at Rainbow & Oakey

Hot Cars, Hot Bikes, Hot Bartenderettes(not shown since this blog is PG-13) When in Vegas - go see for yourself !  The owner is originally from Omaha, and super cool . . .

Desert Travels . . .

Way out in the Mojave . . . miles from nowhere.  They press on . . . so cool. (that Merc had the rear window that went up & down - neato)

There ought to be a law . . .

. . . against Non-Detergent Oil !   What a fuckin' mess . . . like black tar.

Yuba, Wisconsin

This place looks quiet.  Not much goin' on . . . . Huh?

more Vintage Mert . . .

He always looks so smooth - everyone else is all over the place !

Skinny Guy - Skinny Bike

He must ride slow at night? Headlight shining on the ground.