Me and "the 'ol man . . "

Working on motors next to your dad (mine is Big Noot), isn't always real glorious.  But, you can learn a thing or two if you pay attention.  I always use those band-type ring compressors.  You can struggle a bit with them - gettin' the thing on straight, loosening the bolt, tightening, jockey'n with the thing.  I've always noticed these cast-ring-type compressors in the drawer with all the Harley tools.  They work slick.  They are all tapered and smooth inside - slip right on - less apt to break a ring.  Slide right off the bottom.  Trick man !  He's even got one stashed for 3 5/8" big bore pistons.  Huh, what do you know ????? 


  1. Nice post Li'l Noot, wished I'd paid attention when I had the chance.

  2. I'd give my left nut to build a few engines beside either of you!!!

  3. We pretty much just do it for friends and loved ones . . .

  4. i need to make some of those, never seen. rad


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