Born Too Late To Be Free II . . .

Just kinda slippin' some stuff together to see how this thing is gonna sit . . . Hmmmmmm????  Those bars and risers, I like 'em, but - well, the more I look.  I kinda like it.  Never built anything like this before.  You know what?  I'm havin' a total blast !  Thanks to everyone with all the help for this so far . . .


  1. Great first effort!!! Keep up the good work.

  2. Damn Noot. This thing is gonna be a mind blower...amazing work

  3. First effort ??? Bloody hell mate, seriously cool thing, extremely cool, paint is delicious, stance, bars . . . just run with it.

  4. Noot, that build, piece by piece, is becoming an extremely nice bike.

  5. Looking righteous! Nice to see something clean going together.


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