On my way to Yuba . . .

. . . I got to following this large motorhome.  We were making good time - really bookin' along for awhile.  He pulled into McGregor for fuel, and I went next door for a refreshment. (Strawberry shake).  When I came out I gassed up right after he did . .  wow ! 


  1. Noot....that was awesome. I assume you were drafting behind him hence the low fuel burn.

  2. And people wonder why I don't travel and set up at events. My 14' enclosed trailer sits at the storage lot, it might move twice a year. I can't afford (much as I'd really, really like to do it)to go to any long-distance events anymore as a vendor because of fuel prices - not to mention the additional travel expenses that go with a trip like the vendor space, sales tax permits, lodging, food, etc.

    The last long distance event I set up at was over 4 years ago, I think. If I were to head for say Born Free 4, it'd cost me well over a $1,000.00 in fuel cost round trip to do it, pulling a loaded trailer. You can't even recoup 1/2 the business travel costs on your taxes anymore.


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