
When you work in the garage, people stop by.  You've got your regular bike bros, dudes you know.  Then you have neighbors, small children (and the guy with the Suzuki Intruder that thinks just because he rides a motorcycle you have this in common and are instant buddies.)  I call these people "hang-arounds."  It's the young kid on his BMX bike that just digs motorcycles who will be influenced most.  His bicycle needs adjusted.  His chain keeps falling off.  His grips are loose.  His tire is flat.  You help him when you can - otherwise - beat it kid - can't you see I'm busy !   I'm sure I'll be in one of his stories someday about his youth.  The "old" guy with all the Harleys that would be nice to me - get me lemonade.  He gave some COC stickers . . . I still have a racing trophy he gave me. yada yada yada  . . .
I was just like him.


  1. Told you I dig it when you yarn, nice parable Noot.

  2. Hey, is that Morty's buddy from under the tool shed?

  3. I would hang around if you weren't 100 miles away and never home when i stop by...haha


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