Sturgis 2012 - Cool Stuff & Cool People . . .

There was lots to see this year. Great hookin' up with Part-Timer Steve, Rich & Laura, Milwaukee Mike and all my other friends of the chopper world. It was fun helping Tim unload all those parts (and he drove the trusty GMC all the way from Cali . . . wow !) I met so many new friends, and hooked up with all the old ones. It was just a totally refreshing trip and it makes it worthwhile to just hit the road and get your thoughts in order. I couldn't ask for anything more !


  1. Been away for four days, great set of posts to come home to, a nice sniff of what it might be like, ta muchly mate, look forward to some more.

  2. nice pics, even the one of Pete talking to them nice girl's.. ha ha ha

  3. Great seeing you man, til next time.

  4. that big shopping cart with the motor was a staple at promotional events for the super market chain Price Chopper out of kansas city, missouri. useless knowledge...


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