Ace (1955-2012)

I haven't really felt like bloggin' much since I heard Ace was in a bad auto accident and wasn't doing too good.  His 1980 Corvette was hit from behind at a high rate of speed and knocked into a field where it burst into flames.  He was pulled from the burning vehicle through the windshield, but not before he was severely burned himself - and breathed in fumes from melting fiberglass.  Ace was in bad shape, but I did hear he walked a bit from the wreckage.  He was laid up in the hospital for a couple days while his organs failed and he went downhill.  They pulled the plug - and just like that - Ace is now riding in a pack of good memories.

You see, Ace was this domineering figure.  A solid, muscle kind of a man that makes a good core for a biker.  A Harley rider (FXR).  A family guy.  A worker.  A wrench.  Ace could build a motorcycle and ride it fast.  This guy was always a bit silent, maybe even a little shy, until you got him started.  He had more stories on life, riding . . . all kinds of crazy stuff he saw and did.  He'd do anything to help you. - and was the first one to lend a hand when needed.  I hung with him for a few hours on Sturgis Main Street one year, just me and Ace.  Watchin' bikes, laughin' at people.  It was huge for me to hang with Ace.  I took the above photo in front of Gunner's Lounge as he left for the night.  A moment I'll never forget.

For someone not versed in public speaking, I heard him give one of the most touching eulogies at Critter's funeral just two years ago.  Now Critter and Ace are riding side-by-side on the eternal highway in heaven.  Long live the memory of ACE (Lynn Maynard Weedman).  He even had a cool legal name I thought . . .
All his friends and family will really miss him.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend and for the loss of his family Noot. Hope to meet this guy some day on the other side.


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