Florida Backroads . . .

It's no secret I like Florida . . . (and Vegas and Mexico).  Florida backroads are the best.  I hate resorts and all-inclusive bullshit.  Get out and see the locals.  Meet the cool gray beard with the '40 Ford Coupe with original flathead power.  Drink beer with good people.  Eat good food.  Heck, they even got mermaids ! 
I mean "Ya'll gotta git on donn here again - ya hear ????" 
Wish I could take ya'll wid me next time . . .
Soooooo sweet a trip . . .


  1. Is that a well known seventies era band in the old shot ?

  2. FLORIDA loved have`n an ORIGINAL like you in the mix, Noot ~ give a holler next time you can bug-on-down, glad you stopped to say HELLO! stay warm and busy!


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