Buy it - Ship It - Show It

? ? ? ? Is this what happened here ?   Cool bike - just so rad. But then there's always that "gitch" I call it in your side that kinda eats at you.  Like, that's not yours.  Give it back.  I don't know the history of this motorcycle, but that's what the situation looks like.  You have to say, it makes you feel proud to come from a culture that even those across the pond thought was so cool - they want a part of it.  I go back and forth.  You have to admit some of the best custom choppers come from Japan.  No question about it.  Gak can make a bike look like it came right outta the barn . . .
(photo by Motoyan and Co.)

1 comment:

  1. Sucks seeing that stuff go over there and knowing it will never come back to the states. Thats someones Dad, uncle, brothers bike from here in the states. We should all be so lucky.


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