Happy Birthday JC & me . . . & Lavern

Yes, I have the same birthday as Johnny Cash (and Fats Domino, Michael Bolton.....a few other thousands of people).  When I was in grade school, a classmate named Lavern Vosburg had the same B-day as me too.  In classes we'd celebrate together.  Lavern didn't have much.  He didn't have a dad.  He had to ride a girl's bicycle for awhile (a real kick-in-the-shorts to a young boy) and his Sears Toughskins always had holes in the knees.  As time went by, we went through school together - and where I got a car - he still rode a bicycle.  I went to college, he didn't.  Lavern died with his mom and little brother in a house fire one year when they were tryin' to heat it some stupid way.  He was in his early 20s.  I've lived a lot o' life that Lavern didn't get to.  Did a lot a things too.  So, Happy B-Day to LV too.  Didn't forget ya. . . .


  1. I know I'm glad your still alive. Tech support numero uno. One month till we hang out ok.

  2. Well, Happy Birthday, Noot. It's Dave Price's birthday, too. Too bad about your buddy, some people's lives are dealt from the bottom of the deck, unfortunately. glad you're still kickin'.

    When's Morty's birthday?

  3. There but for the grace of God, like Rich said, really touching mate, Happy Birthday Noot and to your bud's memory.

  4. Happy Birthday Robert Erick Nootnagel!

  5. Happy belated birthday. A sad little tail/tribute to your birth mate. Life ain't fair... makes you appreciate being on the up side of it.


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