Rusty Nuts . . .

Liquid Wrench or Blaster ?????  Through all my years of restoring old stuff (never owned a torch) this product has saved me many bruised knuckles and aggravation. What's your secret?


  1. Funny you should ask, I just got an old rusted up shotgun that I want to restore. I sprayed blaster on it and was letting it soak in when someone told me that a mixture of acetone and automatic transmission fluid does better in breaking loose nuts. That may be worth a try.

  2. Greg, try it, you won't be disappointed! Kano Kroil has been my favorite for years and I still use it regularly, but the 50/50 aceton/ATF will do as good a job and do it a little faster. Don't forget to keep any extra well sealed as the acetone will escape to atmosphere rather quickly.

  3. Used PB Blaster lately on my shovel and that stuff works wonders.

  4. PB Blaster, ATF/Acetone, Kroil, whichever is available. They all work dandy. Heat DEFINITELY helps. If you can annoy it with a small impact on low pressure or even just a shitload of tapping with a small hammer that helps a lot too. Just imagine a torqued or even loctited fastener working loose from vibration. Same exact shit.


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