Cedar Rapids Swap

Terry Noth gave me an original K-Model Parts Book (with an XR-750 supplement inside)  Terry has been on this blog before . . . and it's always a trip to chat with him about Ks, KRs, KHKs, WRs . . . Sportster Strokers . . . it runs deep is his blood.  A total race builder who has built many many motors.
However, the swap meet was kinda a bust for me . . . I couldn't believe some people this year that you'd give them the opportunity to purchase a $100 part for $50 and they'd offer $20 . . . WTF ????

PS. Great to hang with Jeremiah, Pete, Dave, Papa Clutch, Michael, Steve . . . and all those CR party people and their gals I'm lucky enough to know . . . See ya'll real soon !  -Noot


  1. Did they have any Hop Slam for ya?

  2. great to get to hang with you too buddy...those spark plugs tasted wonderful...

  3. People are, by and large, cheapskate victims of what they read about the so called 'high prices for junk' at swaps, they figure it's cool and hip to lowball good dudes with good stuff all the time, been coming for years, they wouldn't know what constitutes real quality if it bit them on the arse.


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