I had a limited amount of time do go somewhere.  I wanted to see the David Mann Show in person, so Hux and Gordy came along and we went for it.  As we got about 1/2 way up . . . the storm came and sidelined us for a brief "tavern break."  We then ran into a little more rain, and drenched roads.  We were wet.  Then my tranny started hissing and whining.  The panhead soldered on.  I probably would have turned back, but Hux and Gordy (a true Iraq veteran) forced me to push ahead.  The show did not disappoint - since many of my distant friends were there - and we got to catch-up on the scene . . .
I paid $5.14 / gallon on 7th street St. Paul 
(gas went up .50-.75/gal as soon as you got into MN)
Some guy we met . . .$175.00 Beemer he put 60K on since Nov.
Nice FLH all cut down
Kevin's "Til Death" redo - he's so modest 
(and had the coolest bike there)
A real-life BDR striped digger - in the flesh 
Tom Fugle - making money selling his art
The real Ghost Rider (with my own eyes)
El Forasteros (not possible without this club)
Kevin & Zac (and the family under the tree)
Neato Evo Sporty (paint by Ryzart)

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