Crazy Weather

This is no shit . . . One day it was almost 80 degrees, riding motorcycles with my Church of Choppers shirt and Oakley Monster Dogs.  Had a refreshing fountain Coca-Cola on ice. 

About 24 hours later, a long sleeved sweatshirt, with a Dickies coat, Kinco gloves, Arctic Cat hat and Georgia Boots walking in 8" deep snow . . . waving at my buddy driving a city snow plow.
Snow blowing . . . ice everywhere . . .
Had a hot Aroma's coffee with extra sugar . . .


  1. Looks like the weatherman just tacked a gay pride banner across the wall. That's insane.

  2. Not that there's anything wrong with Rainbows . . .

  3. I feel for you, Noot. Same thing happened in Denver. 80 degrees, then the weather forecast called for "rain, mixed with snow flurries". Well, the rain mixed with snow turned into snow mixed with snow. We got another 6" of snow, then it dis-appeared 24 hours later. We've gotten more snow in April than we got in Feb/March.


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