Brit's Bike . . .

When I was at the St. Paul Show . . . I didn't notice this was her new racer.  It was one of the neatest motorcycles in the show I thought . . . Great Job . . . I heard she's had it up to 75mph already.

Sweet Corn

at the rate we're goin' . .  we might not get any corn this year - Stop Raining !

Eat your vegetables !

Brussel sprouts are good for you !  Chicken with peanut sauce and I don't remember what was in the rice - but it was very good too.  I've been watchin' Nelson's blog too much.

A Pinstriping Job . . .

I seem to be the only traveling pinstriper in the area . . . and thanks to Bob Spina, I can do some small, fun jobs for local enthusiasts.  Farmer Dan called me up and I knocked out some factory striping (took me 5 hours)on his 1921 Hudson Touring Car which he will enter in some shows and drive on a couple runs in the next few weekends.
The car is originally from Iowa, he knew about it since he was a kid - and he finally had the chance to buy and restore it.  Dan had to show me the rest of his collection too . . . car after car, cover after cover . . . it was incredible.  What's in Iowa barns might amaze you !   Thanks Dan - Good Luck, the stripes really made it pop !

Dud's Crew

Friends with a common interest - MOTORCYCLING !

Vintage Harley Flat Track . . .

Five worked good . . . One really didn't

Kayak Competition

This has nothing to do with motorcycles . . . but, a whitewater kayak course was built on the Cedar River (completed last year) and we will host a competition on June 28-30.  On any weekend, people travel 150+ miles to test their skills and work the waves.  A gal was "surfing" with a small wake board on the main large wave at the old beauty dam.  She stayed in the same spot for about 5 minutes (like a virtual wave machine).
It has also opened up fishing spots hot with bass, walleyes, crappies and I even caught a yellow perch.  It has really opened up as a rec area - I can walk down and fish.  Everyone needs one of these in their backyard . . . Fun.


Hey Pete, I stopped by  . . . but, nobody was home ?

Every Friday in N. St. Paul

Paul took us over to Newmann's(oldest bar in MN) for a beer and to check out "Back to the 50s" Friday Nites . . . the street blocked off, a band playing on every corner . . . cool as shit.  I never saw such a variety of neat iron runnin' around.  I guess they do it every Friday.  North St. Paul is a separate little town with it's own historic district.  Cool place . . . go check it out !

Super X Hill Climber

Oversize rear gear . . .
Low. lean & stripped down . . .
A look of shear pride and determination . . .
To blast it up and over the top !


This bike is the best example I've seen in person(at the Nat'l Museum).  I believe it was built by either Ness or Perewitz ?  I've unsuccessfully tried to find one, and buy one over the years - but, no luck yet.

Unleaded Fuels

It really doesn't get much better.  The pan is running great and 48-54mpg was achieved during different runs.

Pacman, definitely one of the best pinstripers around . . . I dig his style . . .

I'm always checkin' out pinstriping by Pacman (Jack).  He does awesome work.  I follow his blog and Jeff Wright has him as a contributor at COC.  I talked to him for the first time the other day, and he told me a "Bob Spina Story" which is exactly the way it is . . . so, I know it's true.  You can't make this shit up !
Pacman has way cool t-shirts now available - so, if you are having problems with your curly Qs . . . order one and use some tracing paper and copy his designs.
Shirts(and sometimes original art) are available at:
Pacman Line & Letter Co  

Neil Hayden's Panhead

Neil said Noot (elder) helped him out with this build . . . and it runs great !

Destroy & Rebuild . . .

Jeremiah's 4 speed had some issues.  We will get it all assembled to factory specs again - and start anew.  Old Harleys are like Zippo lighters - you can rebuild them.  Unlike a Bic lighter, you throw away.