Frustration with Objects of Desire

Many of my blog followers probably won't stay focused long enough to read this due to the fact they have short attention spans.  You know, the book is always better than the movie.  I continually get people calling me about their motorcycles.  Mostly questions concerning the mechanics of the engine. I only know the basics that I read myself in a book.  The person calling me could read it to, but that is more difficult. It's difficult for me too.  I score low in reading comprehension.  We have become a world of short attention spans.  That's why computers have to be faster and faster all the time.  The lifestyles of western civilization have become so easy, that we can easy get what we what, as fast as we want . . .  anytime we want.  All these guys have good jobs, can basically get what they want . . . so, they buy a chopper or an old Harley because they are so cool.  Which is great.  I love old bikes too.  But, then all this baggage comes with that motorcycle - and there's plenty of information - but they don't want to read it.  The whole experience would be so much more enjoyable for them if they would take the next step and educate themselves on motorcycle maintenance.  Yes, I said it . . . MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE.  There is a book titled: Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Persig that I'm currently reading.  It's a difficult book for me to read and comprehend.  I'm trying to understand what he's talking about - and a light bulb comes on in my brain every so many paragraphs.  I'm not saying to become a total expert in the field of study pertaining to every hobby you have whether it be wood working, painting, welding, pottery, sewing, snow removal, yard care, killing weeds, fishing . . . or motorcycles.  I'm just saying if you go the extra step to push yourself to learn the basics of your desires, it will be much less frustrating - and the fulfillment will be heightened for extended periods of time . . . unless you enjoy workin' on shit and being frustrated?  Excuse me while I go check my breaker point gap on the front cylinder . . . .


  1. Love ya Noot, straight up and too true. Hope you dig Mr Persig, you deserve to, a great read. I'm the opposite, love reading but really have to work at what you do so well, even then to only achieve mediocrity.

  2. Points gaps are gay...thats why i bought an electronic ignition...

  3. So does this mean you're not going to change my oil?

    See ya soon!

  4. Theres a book where a guy followed the route . points adjustment, WILL DRIVE YOU CRAZY !

  5. Well put Noot I've never enjoyed reading but have always found it a necessary evil. Your spot on about the immediate gratification that our society can't live without these days.

  6. Fix your etronic ign on the side of the road Nazi:)

  7. Baked, you gotta see the sarcasm in my post man...points are not as gay as I made them out to be...kinda convenient like you said when you are stranded on the side of the road changing your condenser, or checking your gap, or setting your timing...

  8. or changing your condenser, setting your gap, changing your timing...all while me and my electronic ignition is sitting patiently behind you texting my old lady about how your bike is holding us up again and im not going to make dinner with her and the kids...dont you feel bad now that you didn't buy that HI4N hahahha im just kidding man...points are cool too...KISS method actually its usually my bike that's holding everyone up...but that was before my ignition change...

  9. Zen is a good but hard read to get through. Chapter 26 or 27?, about working on the machine and Gumption Traps is my favorite. Yeah, I know, the machine you are working on is yourself.

  10. Excellent read, that one. Difficult but worth it.


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