Dean Kelsey - Harley-Davidson Dealer

I see an obituary for 90 year old Dean Kelsey of Iowa Falls today.  Dean ran a salvage business, was a H-D dealer, a Bridgestone dealer, sold chain saws, drove a Caterpillar . . . a million things this guy could do.
Dean was a founding member of the Ghost Town Ramblers M/C, he did motorcycle stunts at the fair, and was a Class C professional hill climber.  I remember going with my dad a couple times down to "Kelsey's" where Dean would sell a spanking new Sportster (still in the crate) to Noot . . . and then Noot would set them up and sell it at his custom shop . . . B&N Cycle.  There was this very, very steep road to manipulate down into the salvage yard to pick up bikes.  I'd crawl on the floorboards since it was too scary for me . . . Dean sure lived a full life.  Awesome motorcycle stories now archived forever.

1 comment:

  1. Noot, can you send me an email address that I can contact you at, please?


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