New WRENCH Magazine

I still read magazines.  My attention span has not suffered so bad from internet crap that I can't sit still to read a motorcycle magazine.  My biff is . . . many of the "chopper" mags have all kinds of typos.  I'm not an English teacher, but the stories are bad (and uninteresting) and the photos don't highlight the details of the motorcycle that deserve "highlighting."   Wrench is not too bad in this department . . . however, the article on Jeremiah is real general (could have been longer and more informative).  The "Snowblind" article was probably the best one . . . and for Born Free being such a big deal, I still haven't read a decent article on this event with detailed photos and technical data.  I can't be the only one who spots a bike in the background I'd rather look at . . . I guess I'll just have to cover an event, send in my submission, and see if they print it? 


  1. I agree! there hasn't been an informative right up on our show that i can remember. They all assume you know what's going on which leads to no one knowing how it works or details. Makes a lot of work for us still to try an educate people after all these years...

  2. noot i don no what u r takin bout, oh shit my instatyper phone is all fucked up...still waiting on the new GS8943 to come out so I won't need you nit picking my grammar....grammar nazi

  3. I think there's become a culture of being 'too hip', not wanting to let out too much info on people or bikes . . . it's deliberate too, first rule of Chop Club is blah blah blah . . . just my two cent's worth, wtf do I know.

  4. That's why I read your blog Noot. Good Grammar, Tech Info, & Pictures. Good Work. "A" for the day.


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