Supersuckers Show . . .

I got hooked on this band from my friend Matt, who burned me a couple CDs (which I play quite a bit).  They were within' an hour drive - so, I went down and checked 'em out.  The "No Coast" punk band and Hellbound Glory were both excellent.  The Supersuckers were kinda loud (I am 47 now), and Eddie played both tunes I requested. (Kinda cool)  I asked him how "life on the road was . . ." and he replied, "Great, goin' good . . . " which is the same reaction I got from any band member I asked that night.  Eddie signed a CD for me, and said they are headin' west now to a venue near you possibly - so go check 'em out.  It would not be the life for me, but if you like what you are doing - and you are becoming a professional at it - you may as well keep doing it. PS. Why is it, the coolest dudes I meet lately have these huge Duck Dynasty beards . . ?

1 comment:

  1. Great outfit, saw em years ago out here, fun, fun, fun . . . as for the beard question, you know the answer Noot . . . pinstriping looks the boobies, hope it dries man.


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