Indoor Rumble in Mason City

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Words you might overhear at an indoor racing event:
1. coke
2. transponder
3. CD5
4. rasp
6. no nitro
7. (coughing)
8. Brad Baker
9. Bugs
10. 2 grand !
The carts were so fast - I never would have guessed a cart could make a lap in 4 sec . . . sometimes I was nervous standing so close to the rail that a cart could lose it and take out the spectators.  Some drivers did not appear to move the steering wheel at all as they kept the throttle pinned.  The bikes went very low - pegs dragging - tires drifting.  I raced a few times on syrup, but don't remember the carts being this quick . . . Good Stuff Maynard . . .

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