Waldheim World Series 1982

This guy on a vintage snowmobile racing site asked if anyone had any photos from the Waldheim Sask. World Series of Racing.  Look what I found.  You can see us (the Yamahas #16) pitted next to Hulings & Thorson. I was going through the photos (since I was there racing in the Junior Divisions with Gary and Berry Hickle and Noot).   Hickle raced with Hall-of-Famer Joe Matusek(Pabst Rupp) and Wayne Nicholson, Mickey Kardowsky, Tom Gara . . .  and hey, it's Fullerton . . . and those Canadians were fast, but we kicked their ass !  

The bottom photo shows Hickle getting a bad start, but according to my records - he got that Yammy (and probably his sore shoulder) warmed up for a few laps - and then smoked right by everyone for the win.  It ain't over 'til it's over !


  1. The golden years. Can't even start a sled without $200 of fukin stickers. Is everyone in this world fun haters??????????????

  2. Love it mate, all rad stuff to me, only been in snow twice.


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