RETRO REWIND = Cars & Guitars, Chix & Flix

Now hang with me if you can on this . . . John Wells and crew totally nailed it with this show.  I'd never really seen anything like it.  You could check out hand selected rows of rods & bikes, take a stroll(inside) over to a fancy deco movie theatre and walk right in on a showing of "7 Second Love Affair" . . . walk back over and grab a chili, tall boy PBR and check out the swap, retro clothing, movies, art, a half dozen pinstriping artists, a guitar collection like I haven't seen in years, pin-up ladies everywhere, a freak show, another PBR, walk back for a glimpse at "6 Over" . . . back again and again for 3 more cool movies . . . all for $10 I'm talkin' sensory overload again and again.  I was there for almost 7 hours - and I missed the Friday Nite festivities - and left before Nikki Hill took the stage with more bands.  Next year I'll be there Friday thru Sunday - You're all invited to come along . . . Good Times.  Awesome Show !

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