Magoo Pinstriping Redo . . . .

A couple years ago I spot this custom striped Dodge in our little town.  I'm checkin' out the striping and I see it's signed by "Magoo" . . . Hey, I know that guy.  Magoo was from Las Vegas.  An old-time striper and painter - he's been around forever.  1,800 miles away - how'd this truck get here????  I guess the guy liked Iowa (not so hot) and he moved his business here.  Well, I guess he crashed the truck a little, the local body shop repainted sections - and they needed the stripes redone.  I have to "Redoo Magoo."  Big shoes to fill.
I trace the flames with pencil.
Pounce the pattern (with pounce wheel)
Flip the design and affix to area for flames
Powder with my (sock-n-powder)
Remove pattern and stripe it in !
Just Like Uncle Bob Spina taught me . . .
Magoo Lives On !
 Me & Magoo at Spina's many moons ago . . .


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