Terry Dorsch

The (center photo) is on the wall in the Fuel Cafe in Milwaukee.  When I was there in February, I was trying to identify the riders - and I couldn't remember who #22 was . . . (far left).  After some research, I see it was a pro rider named Terry Dorsch of California.  If you search on You Tube (under 1971 Race of Champions) you can watch a special "made for TV race" where a rookie Terry dominates the likes of Jim Rice, Bart Markel, Frank Gillespie, Dave Sehl and others at the San Jose Mile.  In the video, he is really drifting perfectly on the groove, rolling into the gas and powering away from the field.  His Triumph has the perfect set-up for this track, on this day . . . and Terry is showing his ability to run on a mile.   This had to be one of Terry's finest moments in his racing career.  Just a couple years ago, Terry crashed his street bike.  They couldn't get him to the hospital in time, and he didn't make it - he was 63.  Looks as if he lived an exciting life.  An exciting life is a life worth living.

1 comment:

  1. Great read mate, bittersweet ending, so true, live it every day, leave nothing in the tank. Loving the car and the K.


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