1 Hour Walk to Work - Beautiful Today !

From the top:
I walk to work about 40-60 minutes most days.
Gets me some cardio.
My town was very beautiful today.
Someone threw flowers in the water for love or death?
River is like glass today.
Vandalism is death.
I meet Byron & Tony - again.
Frank Lloyd Wright House (always vacant)
The Garage I Want ( getting closer )
This guy fishes everyday - Never seen him catch a fish?
Progress Sucks (empty stores on Main, and they want to build
this big, ugly thing . . . ?)
Radio dudes give me a shout !
Bar is rebuilding (hmmm?  more progress?)
Central Park ( the town ladies in the 1850s wanted
a green space free of horse shit -
the city gave them this - still there )
Charles Theatre - Deco style (still just $2)


  1. I love your little world Noot. I am sad the pool hall is being destroyed I have the exact same picture from when I was there last summer.

  2. Its fun to see the town I grew up in thru someone elses eyes. That is a great garage BTW. And I dont care for the new walking bridge, It doesn't even bounce..


  3. May 15 1968....just think what might have been!


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