This Bike

This is the coolest motorcycle (happens to be an early CH) that I've seen in awhile.  To ride one of these things as much as I have - it just gets burned into you - and you can do about anything on it - and go anywhere on it - and now I know what it's like to feel a bit of sorrow for someone who rides bikes, but has never experienced anything like these hardcore lil' CHs that buzz your hands and work your leg and ooze so much history and style.  I know I'm turning into that old guy that nobody talks to 'cause he doesn't give a shit about you - or what you like - or what you do with your phone and all your gadgets.  Someday a young kid will understand him - and reap the benefits of the old grump . . . that all he wanted to do was gas up his bike, tune it in, turn it on - and fill his tank again - and ride to see the sites and feel the wind - and fuck everything else.


  1. Ridden one only once about twenty years ago and sadly it was in very poor shape, as in virtually zero compression . . . maybe one day you can change that reality for me, you old grump.

  2. My favorite bike ever. I'd trade my shovel for a stock pre-71 sporty any day...

  3. Very true! That is an old pic I presume?


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