More Testing & Tuning . . .

I've been tuning my S&S Super E Carb.  I swapped out the (28) Intermediate for the (29.5).  I warmed up the motor and readjusted the fuel screw.  1. Turn in fuel screw until it starts to kill the engine and back it out carefully until it runs smooth, and the idle picks up and stop there. 2. Readjust your idle.  3. Take away some accelerator pump and blip the throttle - give it just enough where it doesn't hesitate (you all know this). I actually like a bit less acc. pump then needed - more of a "roll on" response, so I'm not shooting unwanted fuel due to the inefficiency of these panheads.   I swapped the (50)Intermediate Air Bleed for a (48) and this will let the Main Jet(70) come in a little quicker - or sooner.  I see a lot of guys run a 72 Main in their motors, but I need some economy - and decent performance is all I ask.

I went for a road test.  80 degrees F.  Sunny.  I noticed right off as I run along with light traffic in 3rd gear - when I roll open the throttle - this thing takes off.  It starts pulling much better now - even with a tall (25T) transmission sprocket.  In high gear I'm now running about 60-62mph - so I opened her up - and it pulled hard to 75mph.  Oh yes - this is what I want !   No spits. No coughs.  Just my pipes startin' to sing - and that Sifton 412 making things happen like it's supposed to be . . . This chopper is pretty cut down in weight compared to a stock 1952 FL.  I have a lot less weight.  Still running the big, heavy flywheels - so once I get her rolling - it's down the road I go.   Creeps right up the hills too . . . Now I just need a good rain shower for a wet weather test to see if I got it fixed.  

I've christened this motorcycle a "female personality" since she likes to be treated with respect like every girl - and I know if I treat her right - we'll have many many good times together.


  1. That's why my women and bikes don't last. Beat the hell out of them both....but the ride sure was fun while it lasted!!!!!!!!


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