Sebastian Bach 2014 Concert Review at Surf Ballroom - Give 'Em Hell

After 25 years . . . Bach still has that great voice, the showmanship and the rock in his blood to give his audience what they want - to get their ass rocked off !  He's not just a singer - He's a rock-n-roll machine.  It's all he's ever known.  But, there's always something more with Bach - he's a rolling history of a type of music teenage kids, like myself, got hooked on and never looked back.  A reminder of our Youth Gone Wild- Bach is on the radio everyday, social media, Metal Sludge, New York Times, even national television . . . on tour, making records with new musicians that can tolerate the demanding energy he still has after all these years.  A master of self promotion, he fronts huge arenas and . . . small ballrooms - like the Surf Ballroom last night where Sebastian Bach and his band totally blew us away the minute they hit the stage.  Spinning mics, head bangin' frenzies . . . like a heavy-metal conductor - he treats you to his god gifted, now 45+ year old voice that let's you know that was him on the cassette, him in the videos, and he sounds just the same.  Bach also did something that surprised me . . . something I rarely hear or see from musicians at the Surf . . . He recognized the significance of this hallowed building.  The ballroom itself.  The many great performers that have stood right where he was - now.  At one point, he motioned the audience to 3 giant, lighted art works that hang on the back wall of the dance floor - those of JP. Big Bopper Richardson, Buddy Holly and Ritchie Valens.  The entire audience turned to look and listen.  After some historic notes - Bach's band then broke into La Bamba . . . and you could just feel a presence, an excitement, you got what he felt from performing there tonight - and he was taking us along for the ride !  I like all good music.  But a metal rock concert, done right with fists in the air - that's it man.  Big smiles - and eyes watering with delight.  Me and Cheryl had a blast !  Thanks Baz !

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