The Milwaukee Vibes

Vibration can be determined with the formula:  Acceleration in Meters per Second Squared.  Different speeds, Variable RPM = Variable Waves of Frequency = Variable Swear Words . . . "Damn, my pinky fingers are numb ! "  McFarland made me up these stainless handlebar vibration dampeners to smooth out very fine vibrations.  The O-rings keep them snug - The threaded holes are for removal.  Weight is 7.75 oz. each . . . According to my calculations? - (yet to be tested)  Slick Daddy- O !


  1. Any rubber in your riser's? Keep us posted as to how they work.

  2. I have those red(poly)riser bushings - not much movement. Test was conducted: Smoother at 65mph, but a noticeable vibration at 25-45mph when accelerating. We will remove 2 oz. and get the weight more near the bar ends and re-test.

  3. I've filled some of mine with #10 lead shot.


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