" Just do what you want . . "

Jeff told me . . . "With this FXR, whatever you think, just do whatever.  Blog about it, ride it around . . . have fun with it."   So then, after a couple days of careful test riding - Jeff drives up yesterday about 5:30pm to come and get his bike.  We point out some details, with the motorcycle high on the bike lift.  He wants to ride it - "Let's hear it. Get it down, fire it up" . . . down it comes, it pops right off . . . Bub bub bub bub bub goes the exhaust - He jumps on and does a couple rolling hole-shots as the rear tire cleans off the pavement.  The racebike inspired soul of all his labor comes out through his custom exhaust header.  This is one of the neatest FXR builds I've ever seen . . . and I got to work on it, and ride it.   
Race with a headlight, tail and working brake light now.
It's pretty damn cool dudes . . .
And, like a true race bike - no warranty. 


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