JUNCTION: Lincoln Hwy(30) & Jefferson Hwy(65)

The only place in the USA where these 2 historic routes cross paths . . .
The Lincoln Highway (New York to San Francisco)
The Jefferson Highway (Winnipeg to New Orleans)
They cross in Colo, Iowa !
America's Heartland
The history of this ground, 
The people who passed through here over the years . . .
 The famous and the not-so-famous.  
Outlaws, politicians, musicians, actors, 
preachers, doctors . . .
Your grandparents . . .
As I walked around, now it's just quiet.  A slight wind in this clearing.  I sat on the bench under the awning of the station - what a great place to work I bet this was . . . helping people with flat tires, fuel, checking oil.  Checking out the guy's trophy wife . . . "Like man . . . he is a lucky guy - new car with the big V8 - a hot wife, he's got the week off, goin' to New Orleans - Man, someday I'm goin' down south, go hear me some blues, see the ocean . . . someday soon - get out of this turkey town - New York, California?  
Where should I go . . .? "
It all starts here . . .

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