I read obituaries . . .

I got this bad habit of reading obituaries about people I don't even know and evaluating their lives - and the value of their life.  What they did - how they lived it.  Now, I rate them with this (rather terrible) rating system as if they lived, "Shot from a Cannon" . . . or "Squeezed from a Tube."   I guess if you have a family, kids - you know what I'm talking about.  There's no other, greater feeling of life - the feeling you get from your own children, your wife, your life lived through them - with them.  Your offspring can "Shoot you far and away."  The workings of a family can give you the ultimate ride of your life.  Then you have the obits that didn't do much.  No rides.  No giving - No generosity.  No nothing.  All for naught.  They just existed (so it seems) with no legacy - they never dared to try - or go - or do.  Squeezed from a tube.  If you feel you are being squeezed - get out - Get in the cannon.  Try it.  Light the fuse.

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