Ol' Man Winter sent me a text message . . .

He texts: Polar Vortex
I text: 5w30
He texts: Dead battery
I text: Magneto !
He texts: Fogged shield
I text: Super Seer Anti-Fog Spray
He texts: 20 degrees
He don't like me ever since I sold my ice bike and my sled.
But, I rode today
Out of the garage at 7:00am and down for coffee, 
stop at the post office, stop at the local car garage hang-out . . . 
and all the talk is the weather . . . 
"Why are you still riding your motorcycle?"


  1. That cold air lets you know you're alive! But if you ride too long in it, you wish otherwise, haha!

  2. I rode the pan to work the other night, in at 530 pm leave at 530 am...31 degrees when I headed for home, brrrrr budd burrrrr

  3. Due to port shape of the rear combustion chamber, this is the ideal angle for torque and tractability of power between 2800-4500 rpms were I achieve peak usable traction between rear tire, clutch plate slippage and throttle control. I've also noticed in film footage that the turbulence created by the rear wheel spinning actually helps pull the gasses out of the rear exhaust pipe, creating better flow. Similar to the theory of the XLR "curved" rear exhaust pipe (bringing the pipe closer to the rear wheel) or the Thunderheader (using passing air turbulence to 'draw' air out of the exhaust pipes. More to it than just a bent-down rear pipe.


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